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I was doin' a favor for 'Jimmy the Squint' Hewlitt, an old buddy of mine who owns a string of pawn shops throughout the city. He was dying as the Big C ate him a cell at a time and before he went on the wrong side of the grass he wanted me to find his little brother who'd dropped out of sight five years ago. The photos he had of Danny were several years old, but it was something to go on.I traced Danny through half the smoke parlors and shooting galleries in town finally winding up here in the Cockroach Hilton. The rotted wooden stairs creaked like an old barn door as I made my way up three flights, trying not to breathe hard and hugging the wall. It was a long way down.Most of the once apartments were empty and trashed, but at the end of the hall one door was still intact and as I came closer it opened and a dude wearing a stocking cap stuck his head out and said "Didja bring the shit, 'cause we're..." then he saw me.He tried to slam the door and I grabbed him by his greasy long. So, I turned around and shot him a glare. He held my gaze as he rubbed his length against my asshole. And then, he slid it lower and rubbed his tip against my entrance. For this, feeling his bare tip against my entrance, I sighed. Jake pressed his tip into me and I felt myself stretch to let him in. And when he popped himself out of me, he groaned. “Damn, you’re tight,” he whispered, rubbing his tip to get more lubrication from my entrance. Like how my mouth waters when I see a cock, my vagina knew what I wanted and my wetness dripped from me onto him. He swallowed as he pressed back inside me and I gasped as he pushed deeper this time. I let out a groan and he thrust his hips against me, pressing his full thickness inside me. All of his thick six inches lodged in me. I arched my back and he spanked my left butt cheek. But I couldn’t help it. Personally, when a cock entered me, I shivered and twitched uncontrollably. The pleasure was immense and I wanted it to stay there for a while,.
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